Monthly Music Mix: February 2008
One of my favorite things every year is sharing my favorite songs with my friends via an end of year mix. Collecting the best songs from absolute favorite albums, I get to share a part of myself with them. (Or, it’s silly e-wang waving, depending on how you look at it.)
In any case, I really enjoy the conversations that develop, getting people into new musicians they’ve never heard before, and in sharing back, learning about new music myself.
So…I thought to myself…why don’t I do this monthly?
I know, you’re wondering…do I really listen to that much music a month? While the 8000+ MP3s I have may say one way, I know better. But how do I fill out a monthly mix with just a few new albums being consumed by me a month?
Someone who was very close to me used to make mix CD’s once a semester, collecting their favorite songs from the period…a musical document of that time of their life. I always really thought that concept was cool…and I’ll now be applying that on a monthly basis.
Each month here on Blast-O-Rama, I’ll be compiling tracks that were somewhat meaningful to me the month prior. Maybe it’s just a song I loved, maybe it’s a new album that leaked that month, maybe it just struck me at the right time. Never the less, it’s straight from my ears to yours.
Click The Graphic Above For This Month's Mix, Or Read On For A Tracklisting
“Bleary Eyed” by Annuals

“Paper Float” by Cassettes Won’t Listen

“Run” by Gnarls Barkley

“End Credits” by John Murphy

“Teardrop” by Jose Gonzalez

“Mechanical” by Lemuria

“Death To Los Campesinos!” by Los Campesinos!

“I Like What You Say” by Nada SurfÂ

“The Next Realm” by Nine Days WonderÂ

“Short Term Memory” by No Knife

“Torch” by Pinback

“Knowing When To Run” by The Delgados

“Take, Take, Take” by The Helio Sequence

Thursday January 31, 2008