A Good Sign? Or A Jackass Mumbling At The Mouth?

As a aspiring writer of my own right (hey, I’m published, I can call myself an actual writer now), I’ve been watching very closely to the Writer’s Strike.
I agree 100% with all of the demands the writers are asking, especially with the growth of internet-based television revenue. And despite how some of the ratings have been shifting, I think the overwhelming amount of piss-poor reality programing over the airwaves has proven how crucial written programing is to modern broadcast TV…(although I’d say that Conan O’Brien has been more entertaining improving his show, but I digress).
Today though, positive word comes about the writers strike FINALLY ENDING, thanks to CNBC. However, it’s source isn’t really the best. Who are they quoting? Michael Eisner. For those unaware, Eisner is the former blowhard Disney head, who followed up a career of running the Mouse House into the ground (and damn near ruining their working relationship with Pixar), with a self-indulgent talk show on CNBC which featured him talking more about himself to his guests than talking with his guests. To put it lightly, I wouldn’t trust a single word out of his demon hole.
So I guess we’ll find out tomorrow if this strike has ended…call me selfish, but between Guillermo Del Toro’s The Hobbit, Volume 3 of Heroes, the remainder of Chuck Season 1, and new episodes of The Office, I want my entertainment back.
Friday February 8, 2008