So this is what, 0 For 3?
With such amazing looking comic movies hitting in the near future, between The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, Hellboy II and The Dark Knight, some are bound to be crap, right?
Unfortunately for Marvel, it looks like the busted wheel of the awesome comic movie party van is this fall’s Punisher: War Zone.

It was bad enough when they revealed the first photo from the movie (seen above) with the main character looking like Steven Segal while proving that he doesn’t know how to hold a gun correctly (check it, he’s holding the magazine, instead of the handle on the frot of the rifle)…
Then this story appears on Cinematical today…
Screenwriter Takes Name Off Punisher: War Zone, Cites Difference in Vision
Yikes, nothing worse than when a writer decides to go Alan Smithee on a flick.
Why does Kurt Sutter (a writer responsible for, amongst other projects, a handful of episodes of The Shield) want his name removed? His reasoning bites a bit deep.
Here’s what he had to say:
“My pitch, my vision, for the Punisher franchise was something much different. I tried to rip Frank Castle from the comic book world and place him in the real streets of NYC. Castle is the only superhero without powers. He’s a tortured, highly skilled soldier with a really bad anger problem. I always felt we should see Frank in some place uber-real and gritty. I threw away the first draft written by Nick Santora and did a page one rewrite. I changed the locations, the characters, the story. I dropped Frank in a real New York City with real villians, real cops, real relationships. To me, the Punisher deserved more than the usual comic book redress. It shouldn’t just follow the feature superhero formula. Apparently, I was the only one who shared that vision."Yikes! I mean...this can't be worse than the 2004 movie with Travolta eating up scenery like it was covered in delicious ranch dressing, can it?
Saturday February 16, 2008