I've Always Wondered...Is It Full of Chocolate?

For reasons I’m not entirely sure of (ok, it’s because it’s in HD), I’ll be watching The Oscars tonight. In turn, I wanted to drop a few last minute predictions…
- Ellen Page gets Best Actress for Juno, mostly due to the cakewalk of fellow nominees. I continue to crush.
- Daniel Day-Lewis gets Best Actor for There Will Be Blood.
- Diablo Cody gets Best Original Screenplay for Juno, but hits minute 15 of her fame with a blowhard acceptance speech.
- Best Picture goes to No Country For Old Men (while I loved Juno, it's not the best made movie of 2007. Sorry blogosphere.)
- If there's anything right in this world, Ratatoullie gets Best Animated Feature.
- Lastly, but not leastly, Jon Stewart will be hysterical, but 95% of what he says goes over the self-important Hollywood audience.
Sunday February 24, 2008