It'll Only Be 100 Or So Years Late...

If I’ve made anything apparent, it’s that I am an unabashed fan of Brad Bird. I consider him a personal hero. Between Iron Giant, The Incredibles and Ratatouille, he’s delivered some of the finest films, animated or other wise, in the past decade. Simply put, his involvement in a film is enough for me to drop the cash on name alone.
So when a somewhat risky project like 1906 comes along, my ears perk up…
Here’s what the Hollywood Reporter had to say about it…
Brad Bird has signed on to make his live-action feature directorial debut with "1906," a co-production between Warner Bros. and Disney/Pixar, with the historical San Francisco earthquake as its backdrop.What an interesting move...not only does this serve as the first live action venture for Pixar, but it also involves Bird returning to Warner Bros, something I thought impossible after it's mistreatment of Iron Giant. Color this story watched.
The story centers on a college student who begins to investigate the murder of his father, uncovering a web of deceit that has left the city vulnerable to the sort of fire that breaks out when the Great Earthquake of 1906 hits San Francisco.
Bird is rewriting the original John Logan script.
Thursday March 13, 2008