Scott Pilgrim's Odd Crush On His Cousin

Nope, it’s not the name of the 5th Pilgrim book…
It’s a rather appropriate title with today’s announcement from the Hollywood Reporter as to who’s in talks to play the titular character in the much-anticipated (here, at least) film adaptation of Brian Lee O’Malley’s Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Life.
Currently in talks with Edgar Wright and co? One of my favorite young actors, the absolutely astounding Michael Cera.

As a hardcore Arrested Development fan, enjoyer of Juno, and constant rewatcher of Superbad, plus a gigantic nerd for the films of Edgar Wright AND worshiper at the Altar of Pilgrim, this could not be a better combination. Given Wright’s appearance in the extras for the Superbad DVD as a faux-interviewer, causing Cera and Jonah Hill to flip out, I had a feeling we’d see the two working together, but I could not have anticipated anything like this.
You know how Nick (my cohort at Dead of Summer) breathlessly anticipates all things Hellboy? If this pans out, I will put him to shame. Movie of the year, whenever it hits.
Wednesday March 19, 2008