I Sit Corrected.

Damn Target, why you gotta make me angry.
Seems just 24 hours ago, I was telling all the boys how I loved you, how you brightened my day with your sweet t-shirts and free video games.
Then I hear from my boy that you’ve been lyin'. You’ve been runnin' tricks on me.
You get me all hot ‘n bothered with promises of sweet garments and free gaming, then you pull the rug out on me?
What’s the deal, baby girl? What did I ever do to you?
Guess I’ll have to see what that Hot Topic chick or that girl Urban Outfitters is up to.
Short story long, those sweet EGPApparel game/shirt combos? ALREADY BEING PULLED OFF THE MARKET! Et tu, Tar-jay. Et tu. Guess we’ll see if another retailer picks this program up, it really is a great idea. Shame.
Friday March 28, 2008