BPET: Black Panther Entertainment Television

In a “Whoda Thunk It?” announcement, BET announced Thursday that they will be launching a prime time animated series starring Marvel’s Black Panther, due to hit screens early in 2009.
Originally, I figured this was someone’s idea of a gag, but Variety has announced it so. The interesting part that I didn’t know, was that the current run of Black Panther is being written by Reginald Hudlin, the current president of entertainment for BET.
While not one of the iconic heroes for Marvel, it’s never the less exciting to see a 2nd string character being given a shot to breakout. Here’s hoping it’s worth watching. I suppose it’s in bad taste that the last memory I have of Black Panther is as zombie food in Marvel Zombies. Whoops. Isn’t he married to Storm now?
Friday April 18, 2008