You've Got Your Chocolate In My Peanut Butter! You've Got Your Batman In My Sub Zero!
Earlier this month, Midway started the hype train for the eighth Mortal Kombat title, with the rather cryptic (kryptic?) website, featuring a website counting down to today.
With the countdown ending, we were left with only a bizarre blurred image of Scorpion.
However, this didn’t stop Midway from revealing the truth behind Mortal Kombat 8.
You’re probably going to want to sit down for this.
I’ll wait.

Not a dream. Not a hoax. Mortal Kombat 8 is actually….
I can’t say I understand it at all, and honestly, I’m a bit worried.
Aside from the surreal juxtaposition of 2 major nerd franchises (one which is far, far lower in stature compared to their 90’s heyday), it’s not sounding too impressive already…
Infamous gaming blog Kotaku posted the early scoop on the title, and this doesn’t sound good…
Wondering why DC comics would seemingly sign onto a project that would let Scorpion rip Wonder Woman's head off? You know...kill a superhero? So were we. So were you. This might explain it: a former Midway employee has contacted us and said that he worked on the game, and that Mortal Kombat v DC features "no fatalities and little-to-no blood". In other words, "MK is dead". No blood, no fatalities...if this is true, why is this game called Mortal Kombat again?The words of an angry ex-employee? Or a look into what's to come?
In the bizarre world of fighting games this generation, we’ve seen Street Fighter return to glory, Star Wars characters mix it up with the cast of Soul Calibur, and now we’re apparently going to see Scorpion hand Nightwing his ass…will it all pay off? Time will tell.
Until then, I’m going to pick my jaw up from the floor.
EDIT, 3:43PM- The first embargoed details on this surreal pairing are hitting the web. has an early preview here, and you can watch the first trailer courtesy of Games Radar here.
Friday April 18, 2008