Will Someone PLEASE Stop Trent Reznor?

He’s making it look too damn easy.
In the latest installment of the end of days for the music industry (yet, where there’s never been a better time to be a fan), an era where Radiohead released their new album without a label while letting you pay what you want; Nine Inch Nails released a 2-disc instrumental album at a variety of prices, including free; The Raconteurs released an album without notifying anyone of it’s existance; and Gnarls Barkley pushed their album release up 2 weeks without notification, Reznor may have taken it a step forward.
He’s released a new single to radio a day after its completion.
While thus far all that’s hit the web is this 2-minute snippet, this new Nine Inch Nails single, entitled “Discipline” was sent to modern-rock stations across the country today, with the note that it was mastered literally 24 hours ago.
Ever mysterious, was updated with this message last night…
Two Weeks.Those who followed the bizarre, seemingly out of nowhere release of Ghosts I-IV will remember, this was the exact statement posted just before the albums announcement and upload.
Does this mean another Nine Inch Nails album is due, just weeks after the last?
Video may have killed the radio star, but it looks like Internet’s not just killing the video star, but the traditional music marketing format entirely.
What the hell is next? Exciting times to be a creative type on the web, let me tell you.
EDIT, 4/23/08 2:07pm - The MP3 of ‘Discipline’ is now available for free download at Interesting note, the ID3 tags have a note saying simply “Go to May 5”.
Tuesday April 22, 2008