Not To Be Confused With The Female Punk Band

This gets me all kinds of giddy. Brian K. Vaughn’s Runaways is coming to the big screen!
Announced today by The Hollywood Reporter, the teen team book (featuring a group of super powered kids who leave home after discovering their parents are supervillans) has been added to Marvel Studios slate for films to be released between now at 2011.
What’s even better? Vaughn himself (who you may also know for his creation Y: The Last Man or his writing work on Lost) will be writing the screenplay! You can’t get more accurate a translation than that.
Since the comics release in 2003, Runaways has been one of my favorite titles on the shelves, with stunning art, amazing covers (usually drawn by the fantastic Jo Chen), and always solid writing. Runaways actually was in the headlines late last year, as Vaughn left the title, giving way to another favorite of us here at B-o-R, Mr. Joss Whedon. Highly recommend the book if you haven’t checked it out. Me? I’m in nerd heaven.
Thursday May 22, 2008