Arguably The Greatest Image Of All Time.

Oh? You wanted more content? Ok.
Well, in the continued effort to cover everything I missed over the holiday weekend, I thought it worth mentioning that two of my favorite people ever, Guillermo Del Toro and Peter Jackson answered fan questions this weekend regarding the 2010 release of The Hobbit!
While the transcript of the entire chat (located here) is worth reading, one bit really grabbed me…
KenshinIV What are the chances Ron Perlman will be voicing Smog? Guillermo del Toro At this time the voice of Smaug is down to a very few choices in my head and I have a completely specific one, Ron has a good chance but I have other plans for RP... we will see...
That's right, nerds. Hellboy 2 isn't the end for the power duo of Perlman & Del Toro. Get excited. I sure am!
Tuesday May 27, 2008