I Never Thought I'd Pray For Nutty Professor 3...
I’m sure by now, you’ve been masochistic enough to sit through a trailer for this summer’s Eddie Murphy abortion shitfest crap-in-a-sack film Meet Dave.
If you haven’t heard about it yet, here’s the plot in a nutshell…
A group of tiny aliens, lead by one played by Eddie Murphy, pilot a human body replica….that looks like Eddie Murphy.
Yes, Eddie Murphy piloting Eddie Murphy.
And if that wasn’t enough to sell you, 20th Century Fox is staging a promotional stunt of a lifetime…

Seriously, look at that thing!
The giant head of the fallen comedic star will be spreading it’s hate across America, before arriving in Times Square. Where it will be presumably be beaten by hispanic children, which mistake it as a pinata.
Seriously, Eddie…couldn’t you have called it a career after Norbit?
Thanks to Onion’s AV Club for insuring future nightmares.
Tuesday June 17, 2008