This is why you secure your websites, kids.

Thanks to an unsolicited marketing survey e-mail, and then in turn, their site having really poor security, a metric ton of forthcoming game information leaked, just weeks before mid-July’s E3 conference (where all the big companies drop info for the next year+).

Amongst the juicy tidbits found?

  • Microsoft will be adapting Nintendo's popular "Mii" program, with their own user creations titled "Avatars" (seen above).
  • Guitar Hero IV will retail for $180 (with new touch senstive guitar and drum kit), and feature Jimi Hendrix, The Doors, Foo Fighters, Smashing Pumpkins, Korn, System of a Down, Ozzy Osbourne, Interpol, and Muse amongst the artists.
  • Future Marvel titles in the pipeline: Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 (set during the CIVIL WAR storyline), Spider-Man vs. Marvel Zombies (self explanatory, I feel), and an untitled Wii Spider-Man game using the Wii Fit Balance Board.
In addition, details were found about future Tony Hawk installments, the next Transformers game, and a karaoke title for the 360 currently titled Lips.

For all the details, check out the thread where all this originated, over at the NeoGAF Forums.