That’s right kids, after the fantastic response to Art Fight on June 1st, we’re coming back to the Ottobar for more arty goodness, this time with a show of our own!

SUPER ART FIGHT will be taking place on September 13th at the Ottobar. Tickets will be just $5 to enter, with the show occurring that afternoon.

Yours truly will be MCing the event, with Jami “Angry Zen Master” Noguchi and Nick “Ghostfreehood” Borkowicz taking their art rivalry to the main stage of the Ottobar, with art like you’ve NEVER SEEN BEFORE.

That’s not all, though!

This Saturday, Nick and Jami will be creating the poster for this event in an art jam, to be filmed for the web (and possibly streamed live AS IT HAPPENS).  We’ll have copies of this poster on hand at the show, along with…I kid you not…SUPER ART FIGHT TOYS. Yep. No lie.

More details to come for the show, including the official website and details on how YOU can get involved in the proceedings, but mark your calendars now and GET READY FOR ARTFIIIIIIGHTTTTTTTTTTTT!