Little Big Planet=Large Gaming Experience

As an “agnostic gamer” this generation (meaning I own all three systems), it’s certainly nice to have the pick of any of the exclusive titles coming to gaming world.
However, being that XBox Live is so much nicer than PSN, and more of my friends own XBoxes (meaning that if the title has online play, I’ll want to go with MS on that title), my PS3 has been collecting dust since Metal Gear Solid 4 hit.
This is all about to change, though, with the lil' platformer that could…Little Big Planet.
Hitting the PS3 this October, LBP intends to not just give Sony’s black box a platformer worth playing (something that I feel has been greatly needed this generation, Mario Galaxy aside), but add an incredible online presense, with a level creator on a scale never seen before, and the ability to both share and play levels with fellow gamers online.
Let this new preview from Amazon do the talking…
And if that wasn’t enough, you can even get the ultra adorable lead character (seen above) Sackboy…to look like the ultra badass hero from God of War…KRATOS!

Little Big Planet hits shelves this October. And I’ll be there day one.
Tuesday August 12, 2008