Officially announced this morning...the iPhone is the king of ALL phones, having officially surpased the RAZR as the best selling phone in the United States.

Very interesting to hear, as I still don’t personally see the iPhone as a ubiquideous device, but it speaks volumes about how we as a country now see cellphones.  We’ve gone from the phone being a tool for vocal comunication, and now as a country we’ve chosen an all-in-one device, giving us voice, text, audio, internet and wayyy more in the palm of our hand.

How do I think they did it? Personally, I blame the great new ads Apple’s been showcasing as of late, each demonstrating the use of a different app, including the restaurant finding Urbanspoon, and music-discovery tool Shazam.

Hell, I’ve even given serious thought about jumping to AT&T in early ‘09, just to get my sweaty palms on one.  We shall see.

Original Post: iPhone 3G overtakes the RAZR as best-selling domestic handset - Engadget