You may have noticed a bizarre trend here at Blast-O-Rama.  We really LOVE McDonald’s Japan.

I’ve gone on record before, as a child - big fan of McDonalds.  As an adult?  Not so much (although I get a craving 1-2 times a year).

But there’s something very intrigiung to me about an intensely American corporation such as McDonald’s and how their menu is reconfigured, changed, or even in some cases, completely thrown out when it’s brought over to the land of the rising sun.

Despite the documentation of some of the surreal foodstuffs available in the Nippon McD’s, there hasn’t been a comprehensive look at the McDonald’s Japan menu.


You can thank the fine folks at for this one.

How sad is it that if I ever make it to Japan, I’ll just have to experience McDonald’s Japan for myself?

Original Post: The Japanese McDonalds Menu (I’m actually lovin’ it!)