Free Comic Book Day Comics Announced!
I'm not gonna lie, I know Christmas is just around the corner, but I'm already getting excited for NERD Christmas.
What is NERD Christmas, you ask? Why it's FREE FREAKIN' COMIC BOOK DAY, which will be held on May 2nd for 2009.
The past few years of Free Comic Book Day have been very good to me the first taste of The Umbrella Academy and Atomic Robo, plus some free Scott Pilgrim action. Not to mention, most comic shops tend to throw some great bargins out to hook the new audience they build that day. So to say that I'm looking forward to next years? A bit of an understatement.
Luckily, Diamond wants to hook the nerds in early and often, so they've ALREADY announced the comics for this year's FCBD.
What looks good? The Green Lantern: Blackest Night prelude could be rad, featuring the birth of the "Dark Lanterns", literally zombie versions of the Lantern Corp. Also, Red 5 Comics has me with their release of Atomic Robo & Friends. Finally, who can hate on a free FCBD2009 Minimate? I know I sure can't!
Mark your 2009 calendars geeks, dweebs and weirdos! Our day is coming! And the comics: they are free.
Original Post: Free Comic Book Day May 2nd 2009
Thursday December 18, 2008