More SCOTT PILGRIM Casting Than You Can Shake A Stick At!
If you’re a frequent reader here at Blast-O-Rama, you know I’m very excited for the movie version of SCOTT PILGRIM.
You have my favorite graphic novel going, being directed by one of my favorite directors going in Edgar Wright, starring one of my favorite actors in Hollywood (Michael Cera, who was one of the highlights of my favorite shows ever, Arrested Development).
And then to grab the role of Ramona, you had them grab one of my favorite young actresses in Mary Elizabeth Winstead.
Now they’re just going APESHIT.
As 2009 is upon us, and production starts, we’re getting more and more information.
First, you had the announcement of Kieran Culkan starring as Scott’s gay roomate Wallace.
Then, they announced newcomer Ellen Wong as Knives Chau (that’s her up top with Mr. Wright).
Now, Aint it Cool News has announced who is playing one of Ramona’s evil-exes, the skateboarder/moviestar Lucas Lee.
Lucas, will be played by Chris Evans.

That’s right, the Human Torch himself, who proved himself as a great actor in Sunshine and might be the best part of Push.
If I wasn’t at critical mass, check an earlier post from Edgar Wright’s blog. It’s a photo of the DVDs he brought with him to Toronto for shooting. And I think it’s a good idea of where he’s pulling influences from.
Holy fucking shit. If he pulls off even a 10th of his inspiration...All this movie needs now is an appearance from Patton Oswalt, and I’d have to fuck it.
Saturday January 17, 2009