Chris Nolan's Next Step: 'Inception'

I know this is going to break the heart of Bat-Fans everywhere, but…here goes.
Much like a band-aid being ripped from a wound…Chris Nolan’s next movie is not Batman Begins 3/The Dark Night 2.
His next project instead? A film called Inception.
The details on this project are pretty scarce, but here’s what The Hollywood Reporter had to say on it.
“Inception” is described as “a contemporary sci-fi actioner set within the architecture of the mind."
Ok….so…that tells us next to nothing. But let’s be honest…after The Dark Knight, Batman Begins, The Prestige, Memento…how could you NOT want to see this?
Inception is currently set to be filmed this summer for a Summer 2010 release.
Original Post: Christopher Nolan inks ‘Inception’.
Wednesday February 11, 2009