Here's an interesting rumor for your Wednesday morning...

In this post Dark Knight world, Warner Bros is obviously working around the clock to decide which DC Comics property to send surging onto the silver screen.

Thus far, the two most likely candidates have been Green Lantern, and the subject of this post…The Flash.

The Flash has been long rumored to make it’s way to cinemas, at one point attached to Ryan “Gonna Be Deadpool” Reynolds, as part of a generation spanning trilogy.

The latest rumors?  Put Doogie Houser MD himself, Neil Patrick Harris, in the classic red and yellow garb of Barry Allen and Wally West.

Personally, I’m all for it.  Neil Patrick Harris has spent this past decade building quite the name for himself, turning his Doogie run into a gag with the Harold & Kumar films, doing a great episode of SNL, and being hands down the best part of the CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother.

…Course, it doesn’t hurt that Harris voiced the Flash (and quite well) in the direct-to-dvd adapation of Justice League: The New Frontier.

Should be interesting to see how this one develops.

Original Post: And The Flash’ Might Be… Neil Patrick Harris? - Screen Rant