Well, This Is Dissapointing (Deadpool From X-Men Origins Revealed...Sorta)

You may’ve noticed a general lack of coverage towards X-Men Origins: Wolverine here at Blast-O-Rama.
And believe me, it’s not for lack of news…it’s more for lack of interest.
I’ve yet to see a single frame of film that has made me believe that it’ll be a decent flick…
…well, except for Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool.
Sure, we’ve only seen him in a red shirt with swords so far, but internet rumor placed it that Reynolds would be properly Deadpool’ed up by the final frame of film.
Much like the Cobra Commander reveal this past week, the action figures have once again given us an early glmpse of what that’ll be…and man is it a dissapointment.
For you spoiler freaks, I’ve added the pic behind the cut, so…
Discuss your thoughts in the comments.

Thursday February 19, 2009