Batman: Arkham Asylum is fast becoming one of the more anticipated titles for gamers this coming summer.

If I had to say why, it’s probably because of a few reasons.

  1. The Dark Knight, starring said Bat-person, was one of the biggest grossing movies in the history of ever.

  2. It looks like a decent game, all around.

  3. It might just be the best licensed title…well, ever.

But for those of us on the fence, or at least those of us with multiple systems, unsure which way to purchase, the PlayStation 3 sure is looking like the better option.

Why?  It’s all about that banner above.  Spotted today in Sony’s HOME program, it pretty blatantly states that everyone’s favorite clown prince of crime, The Joker, will only be playable on the PS Triple.

Edios, if you don’t fuck this one up…you just earned yourself a sale of a PS3 copy.

Original Post: Home ad reveals Joker DLC for Batman: Arkham Asylum on PS3.