As the old adage goes: “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.”

Or, as Hollywood sees it these days: “If at first you succeed, then subsequently don’t succeed, try again.”

This line of thinking has caused some terrible, terrible movies (The Dukes of Hazzard, Rob Zombie’s Halloween). It’s also inspired some great movies (Ocean’s 11, Batman Begins.)

Well, the dice are being rolled once more, as everyone’s favorite “shoot it on the cheap” director is taking on a classic action franchise.

That’s right, Robert Rodriguez is taking on Predator.

Rodriguez’s take, entitled Predators, sounds like a worthy addition to the 1987 classic.  Here’s the pitch for this one: a team of commandos (just like the first) battles…wait for it…a team of Predators.

Rodriguez, add some good go-booms and blood, and I’m fucking there.

Is it too much to ask that you hire Jason Staham?

Predators is tentatively scheduled to hit theaters April 15th, 2010.

Original Post:  Rodriguez Confirms Predator Series Reboot - Predators | /Film.