Hands down, there are few funnier experiences in my life than when I saw Anchorman in theaters.

Probably the movie that really put the “Apatow Crew” on the map, I’m amazed to find that to this day, lines from the film can put me in hysterics.

But of course, since we can never get enough of a good thing, Will Farrel, Steve Carell, Paul Rudd and Adam McKay are having a meeting next week to discuss the possibility of Anchorman 2.

Personally, I think the tales of Ron Burgundy are best left to the past, but knowing that it’s the original crew behind the film meeting to discuss the idea of a sequel, as opposed to Hollywood suits pushing a deal for the sequel.

Anchorman 2 for Summer 2011?  I guess we’ll see.

Original Post: Ferrell, Carell, Rudd and McKay Meeting Next Week To Discuss Anchorman 2 | /Film.