You really have to love how the internet, when given an inch, will take it a mile.

Last week, out of nowhere, a supposed new Radiohead song, titled “These Are My Twisted Words” appeared on the file sharing website What.CD.

The song, once downloaded, sounded a lot like Radiohead (sort of a mix of the sounds from In Rainbows and Amnesiac), but what was it? Where had it come from? What was it representative of?

A look at the .nfo file certainly didn’t help, as it contained a release date of “2009-08-17”, and a cryptic message, indicating a “Wall of Ice”.

Combined with interviews in the press these past two weeks about Radiohead moving to more of an EP based format, this lead many fans to put one and one together, and presume that Radiohead was releasing a new EP online today, entitled Wall of Ice.

Well, good news and bad news.

Good news? There’s a new free download on Radiohead’s website.

Bad news? It’s “just” of the new song “These Are My Twisted Words”.

Is it still indicative of something more to come? And where did the mysterious user at What.CD come from?

Those are questions we’ll have to answer later, as in the meantime, “These Are My Twisted Words” is available absolutely free at the download link here, or via bittorrent here. (Or you could click play on the YouTube embed above)

Original Post: DEAD AIR SPACE.