One of the most anticipated films this fall has to be Spike Jonze’s adaptation of the Maurice Sendak classic Where The Wild Things Are.

Aside from the rather mature way Jonze seems to be handling the material (based on the trailers at least), one of the more eye opening aspects of the project has to be that Jonze co-wrote the screenplay with famed author Dave Eggers.

Eggers, best known for his psuedo-autobiography A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, evidently became very enamored with the material, as he then adapted the screenplay into a novel entitled The Wild Things.

The New Yorker has just released a portion of the novel (roughly 8 pages of material) in an excerpt titled Max At Sea, viewable online at the link below.  It should give a good hint towards the tone of the film, and has me anticipating now both the film and novel, when they’re released this October.

Original Post: Max at Sea : The New Yorker.