With the return of Mad Men to television this past Sunday, another of my favorite hobbies returned…endless speculation and research of Mad Men!

And now, it just got a whole lot easier with this new website, The Footnotes of Mad Men.  Essentially it breaks down different references from the series, either elaborating on background detail, character name origins, the real advertising referenced, or any number of infinite minutia packed into the series.  Simply put, for an OCD nerd like myself, this is heaven.

I mean, where else can you find elaborate discussion of a painting showcased for 15 seconds of a TV program?  And what makes this even better is having this knowledge in hand only further illuminates the rich world built around the characters, and underlines how much the creative staff at Mad Men truly “get” their universe.

The website is only credited to “the friends of dick whitman at gmail dot com”, but whoever’s behind it, I’d like to personally salute you.  You do the nerdy legwork, so we don’t have to.

Original Post: The Footnotes of Mad Men.