Unused MOON Posters Are Just As Wall Worthy

One of my biggest regrets of this past Summer movie season was that of not seeing Duncan Jones' directing debut Moon.
Featuring the always awesome Sam Rockwell as the lone person working on a moon base, it’s a smart sci-fi film that harks to an experimental era in filmmaking. The trailers looked amazing, the reviews were solid, and it had a stunning poster (seen above), but yet I haven’t seen it yet. Guess I’ll have to catch it on blu-ray.
Either way, apparently the posters that weren’t used, were just as stunning as seen in the gallery below. I love glimpses at things like this. I wish we could see this for all movies, just to see the thoughts in the marketing process.
Original Post: The unseen poster art of MOON.
[gallery link=“file”]
Wednesday September 23, 2009