SUPER Street Fighter 4 Is Coming...Raise Your Hand If You're Surprised.

One of my favorite games this year thus far has definitely been Street Fighter IV.
Taking the classic gameplay seen in II, adding the refinements from III, and adding a bit of next-gen shine, it was (and is) a stunning game both to look at and play.
But it should come as no surprise that Capcom has officially announced the upgrade, the predictably titled Super Street Fighter IV.
Due to hit consoles in Spring 2010, the game strives to affirm that it need not be DLC with a whopping EIGHT new characters (including classic characters Dee Jay, T-Hawk and newbie Juri), new balancing, and predictably new stages.
Before you flip out, however, Capcom has made 2 promises…
The game will NOT be sold for full price.
SFIV owners should hold onto their game, as a DLC surprise is coming.
Personally, if the game comes in at $40 or below ($30 would be perfect), I’d definitely consider the pickup, as the game seems to address one of my issues, namely in 25 playable characters, the perceivable lack of depth in the roster.
Guess we’ll find out next year if it’s worth the dough. I’ve included a slue of screenshots below for you to check out, thanks to the gang at Gamespot.
Original Post: Super Street Fighter IV Impressions - First Look - Xbox 360 News at GameSpot.
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Tuesday September 29, 2009