Sorry for the hold up in posts.  Between recovery from Super Art Fight 5 and other things going on, I had been particularly busy.

Now that I’m officially ranked as an “award nominated” blogger, I thought it’d would be appropriate to return with a post that best holds my strengths.

So, everyone’s familiar with the popular Christian values pushing CGI series VeggieTales, right?

Seems they decided to make a cookie cutter of the main heroes, Bob & Larry, seen above.

Of course, they probably should’ve rethought the shape.  Turn that sucker sideways and…

heh heh. dinger.

So remember, next time your bachelorette party needs some ultra classy cock cookies, look to the Christian values of VeggieTales!

Original Post:  Awesome: Ok, Someone Should Have Thought This VeggieTales Cookie Cutter Through.