Yes Virginia, There's Gonna Be A 4th POPGUN!

To date, there have been three stunning volumes, released in November 2007, July 2008 and April 2009 respectively, but considering I had heard nothing of a fourth volume, I was worried that the project had been ended.
I worry no longer.
Due to hit shelves on February 10, 2010, the Fourth Popgun volume features work from a whopping 91 creators across 512 pages of awesome comics, all wrapped up in a beautiful Ben Templesmith cover (seen above) for just 30 smackers.
Honest to God, Popgun is one of my favorite collections going, and I hope to see the self described “graphical mix-tape” continue on for dozens of collections to come. Don’t just take my word for it, though, click the link below and check out the previews for some of the stories contained in the 4th volume. You’ll be sold, I’m sure.
Original Post: P O P G U N // V O L.4
Monday November 16, 2009