Left 4 Dead 2 DLC Is Coming!

Just a few weeks after it’s launch, it’s safe to say Left 4 Dead 2 is a hit.
The sequel to the super-popular zombie-shootin' co-op shooter hit shelves on November 17th, and according to the latest press release from Valve, it’s already sold a whopping TWO MILLION copies. Great for the gang in Washington, although I’m sure the amazing Black Friday deals (which priced the game down as low as $35 from it’s retail of $60) helped.
But buried in there is one very very key sentence to L4D fans, like myself. Let’s dig it up….
“Left 4 Dead 2 is off to a great start with strong support at retail and great reviews from the press,” said Doug Lombardi, VP of marketing at Valve. “Meanwhile the title has already been played by over 1 million Xbox LIVE Gold account holders, and news regarding L4D2 DLC 1 is coming very soon."
Awwwww yeah! I mean, I think we all knew it was coming, but to have confirmation, makes me very very happy.
Maybe it’ll have to do with a certain Southern-Fried Rock Band who like to play amusement parks?
Original Post:Â Left 4 Dead 2 Sells 2 Million In 2 Weeks - Left 4 Dead 2 - Kotaku.
Wednesday December 2, 2009