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With the hype train kicking off for Iron Man 2 on this past Monday with the reveal of the super awesome teaser poster, Marvel/Paramount continues to make sure their name stays in the nerd press with the 4 above images from the flick (which you can click for high-rez!).

The images don’t really share too much with us.  You have more of Tony working on things, the return of JARVIS (!!!), an un-cropped version of the Black Widow photo from earlier in the summer, and a look at Mickey Rourke as Whiplash, working on his creepy gear, but overall, no insight at the story.

I mean, there is a story, right?

Maybe not.

In a very impressive, career spanning interview with In Contention, Jeff Bridges (who played the awesome Obidiah Stane in IM1) gives a look into the creative process for the first flick, and it’s an eye opener.

“They had no script, man,“ Bridges exclaims. “They had an outline. We would show up for big scenes every day and we wouldn’t know what we were going to say. We would have to go into our trailer and work on this scene and call up writers on the phone, You got any ideas?’ Meanwhile the crew is tapping their foot on the stage waiting for us to come on.“

Bridges, director Jon Favreau and Robert Downey Jr. would literally act out sequences during primitive rehearsals, Downey taking on Bridges’s role and vice versa, to find and essentially improvise their way to full scenes, the actor recounts. Bridges says that the entire production was probably saved by the improv prowess of the film’s director and star.

Wow. So I guess it’s a good thing that Downey and Favreau are back for Iron Man 2, eh? Here’s hoping Justin Theroux provided a bit more than an outline in his screenplay…