Just days after releasing the super awesome first teaser poster for Iron Man 2, which left me all kinds of tingly, Marvel Studios/Paramount have released the International poster to the awesome folks at Empire.

This poster, unlike the typical international posters which are a minor change from the US, actually takes a very different approach to pushing the flick.

No War Machine. No Helmet. Just Tony in the armor.

I wonder what, if anything that says about the American audiences tastes.  Are we less excited about Downey and more hyped for twice the stuff blowing up courtesy of robot suits?

Either way, it’s another great poster, which is nice after the kinda lackluster posters for Iron Man 1.  One last thing to note - the prominent Marvel Studios logo. I think we’re going to start to see that far more.

Original Post: Exclusive: New Iron Man 2 Poster.