Awesome-O-Rama: December 6-13, 2009
Back once again with a weekly batch of goodies you should pick up, it’s Awesome-O-Rama.
Awesome-O-Rama is a weekly showcase of what’s worth buying in the realm of film, music, games and more each week. If you dig what you see, click the link, as it’ll take you to the related listing!

Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince What is there to say about this franchise which hasn’t been said before? Seven amazing novels, which so far have been turned into six stunning movies, and with Half Blood Prince, you may have the best yet. It’s hard to believe these are the same actors we’ve seen grow up since the age of 11, but the leads have grown into quite the formidable troupe of actors. You’d think after six films, we’d be ready to see them move on, but the characters and the world have remained fresh. I highly recommend picking this up, as it was one of my favorite films of the summer. The link above goes to the blu-ray+DVD combo, but you can also get the 2-disc DVD or single disc DVD flavors, depending on your preference.

Public Enemies Johnny Depp versus Christian Bale in 1920’s mob warfare. Sounds like an easy sell, doesn’t it? Well, in the case of Public Enemies, it proved not to be, as audiences had different issues with the film’s pacing, plotting and filming style (director Michael Mann used HD cameras, so it has a very “digital” feel). Personally, I dug the heck out of it, and I cannot wait to see how the digital to digital transfer comes across on home video. If you’re gonna nab the DVD, do so here (or here, for the one disc version)!

The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks It’s not a great Christmas without an iconic Nintendo game, is it? Well, this year, the big N went all out, delivering a new Mario game for the Wii, and for those who prefer the portable power of the DS/DSi, we now have a new Zelda to play with. Based loosely on the Four Swords game from earlier in the decade, this handheld cel-shaded Link adventure replaces the much maligned boat/horse travel with a new way to get around - train. I’ve yet to read a full review of the title yet, but let’s be honest….it’s Nintendo. It’s Zelda. How the hell can you go wrong?
That does it for me this week. What are you looking forward to? Let me know in the comments.
Tuesday December 8, 2009