
Of all the rumors to surround the 4th Spider-Man film, I think this is my favorite.

Sure, I like the mental image of a Rachel McAdams or Anne Hathaway being poured into the Black Cat jumpsuit, but this is the first rumor to make me flat out hope to see the film.

The rumor as such, states that the main villain for Spider-Man 4 will be The Vulture. A great pick, given the characters classic rogue’s gallery status, coming from an era Sam Raimi prefers to pull from.

But then - the apparent choice of actor…

John Malkovich.

Honestly, who hasn’t seen Malkovich rant and rave and thought, “That man is a super-villain!".  I’ll pay $10 right now just to see Johnny Boy yell at Tobey for making such embarrassing faces throughout the Spider-man series.

The downside of the rumor is that the Black Cat won’t be Black Cat in name, instead titled the “Vulturess”, but hey, let’s focus on the good here.

Malkovich. Spider-Man 4. Let’s do this, and let’s reveal it soon, Sony. You’re supposed to be filming in 2 months!

Original Post:  ‘Spider-Man 4’ Update: John Malkovich to Play The Vulture!? - Cinematical.