The continued rush towards 2010 in the movie industry continues, as we get our first look at Ridley Scott’s adaptation of Robin Hood.

With Russell Crowe in the lead role of the infamous thief who stole from the rich and gave to the poor, my initial feelings towards the project had me pretty excited, having just rewatched Gladiator recently. But watching the above trailer, with random metal added to the action…left kind of a bad taste in my mouth.  Still, with a stellar cast (also featuring the always great Cate Blanchett) and steady direction, this may hold out. I hope.

Will the movie overcome the marketing? Or are they adding ice cream to a bag of manure?  We’ll find out when Robin Hood hits theaters next year.

For a taste of the movie without AESOME METAL!!!!11, I’ve included the first stills from the flick below.

Original Post:  Ridley Scott’s Robin Hood Movie Trailer and Photos | /Film.

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