It's only too appropriate that I post the above super terrible animated gif to go along with hands down, the most awkward interview I've read in recent years.

The subject - Gallagher.

The interviewer? The fine folks at Onion’s A.V. Club.

And it goes off on some left turns, revealing the 63 year old comedian to be completely insane, totally out of touch, and well…kind of a prick.

Here’s a great example of the bewildering back and forth seen in this interview:

Gallagher: You can actually take a drink now during your show! You know, George Burns performed smoking a cigar, and never needed a drink of water on a stool. But now this has become a tradition in America. They more or less have a stool ready for you and ask, “What water ya want?“ To me, as a visual artist, everything that’s in the picture should have meaning—what does a stool and a bottle of water mean?

AVC: That the performer is thirsty?

Gallagher: I can’t get through the show without hydrating? How is that funny? It’s just more of the same mediocre, lackadaisical, lack of quality, acceptance of the average that goes on in America.

Trust me when I say…click the link, dig in, and get ready for THE most awkward interview of 2009. It’s an uncomfortable joy.

Source: Gallagher | DVD | Interview | The A.V. Club.