Awesome-O-Rama: January 10-16
Back once again like a bad habit, Awesome-O-Rama is here to tell you what’s worth picking up in the world of media this week.
And unlike the past few, this is a huge week. I kinda wonder, looking at the next few weeks, couldn’t some of these releases have been spread out through the month? I make an alright wage, and admittingly spend more than most on movies/music/etc., and this even had ME wanting to tap out. Come on studios - think through the whole month!
Either way, let’s do this thing!
Moon A movie so fantastic and underrated that even it’s own studio is neglecting it for Oscars. This “hard sci-fi” film from first-time director Duncan Jones is a one-man acting tour-de-force by Sam Rockwell, and is one of the most intriguing and enthralling movies I’ve seen in years. If you liked Sunshine, you’re sure to love this, as it falls into the realm of ‘possible’ sci-fi realities - but Moon doesn’t have the weak ending which tends to split opinion on Sunshine. If I can recommend any one release in particular this week - it’d be this one. Trust me.

The Brothers Bloom Written and directed by Rian Johnson, the creator of the underappreciated Brick, The Brothers Bloom is another film who’s release fell under people’s radars this past summer. Heck, even I, who had really wanted to see it, forgot all about it. But that’s what home video is for! Bloom is an absolute blast of a heist comedy, shot beautifully with an amazing script. And fellas, if you don’t walk away from this with a Rachel Weisz crush, check your pulse - you may be dead.

The Hurt Locker Confession time! I haven’t seen The Hurt Locker yet. And considering it’s getting all the Oscar hype this year, I think I need to rectify that. The tale of a bomb detonation team in Iraq, this film is grim, gritty, tense, and is said to be possibly one of the best and most realistic depictions of military life in the modern age. I’ll have to see it for myself to judge - but it’s worth asking out loud: How interesting would it be if Kathryn Bigelow (who directed The Hurt Locker) is pitted against her ex-husband, James Cameron come Oscar time?

Big Fan Here’s my clear and noticable bias showing - this flick is the dramatic lead debut for Patton Oswalt. But don’t let my bias stop you, all inclinations is Patton brought it in this one. Starring my favorite stand up comedian as an obsessed football fan, the film delves into what happens when your passions turn against you, and you’re forced to decide between your hobbies and the real world. An interesting flick in concept, made even more believable as Patton (like any true nerd) understands nerdly obsession. Question to the studio - why is this only available in standard def?
That’s it for this week! See you next week with a list of more media worth checking out!
Wednesday January 13, 2010