We’re just mere days removed from the announcement that Sony will be moving forward with a relaunch of the Spider-Man franchise in 2012.

However, that hasn’t stopped Sony from making moves.  Apparently, the script for the reboot was written months ago (as it was to be the framework for Spidey 5 & 6), so now they’re going through the difficult process of finding a director.

Looks like they already have one in mind - Marc Webb.

I know, you’re already wondering who the hell that is.  Let me tell you!

Marc Webb was primarily known for directing music videos, but made a big splash last year with his directoral debut, one of my favorite movies of 2009, (500) Days of Summer.

Webb has shown with (500) Days that he is more than capable of handling the pathos of Peter Parker, but can he handle the action, and keep Pete from feeling like a whiny asshole? We’ll see if he officially gets the gig. At least he already has the perfect last name for the job.

Also of note - in what shouldn’t come as a surprise in this post Avatar world, Sony is looking for Spidey 2012 to be in 3D.  Personally, I could go for some 3D web swinging sequences.  I just hope they’re focusing on making the movie worthwhile first, before they work in shinies like 3D.

Source: Will Sony Spin Spidey Reboot With Webb? — Deadline.com.