As the weeks count down until the Ryan Reynolds starring adaptation of Green Lantern starts filming in Australia, all the big announcements are starting to get made.

And the latest - the identity of the main villain.

In the case of this film, it seems they’re going the Batman Begins route of starting the franchise with a B-list villain, by not using Sinestro, but instead the lesser known Dr. Hector Hammond, a character so obscure that I don’t even know who that is!

Dr. Hammond, a character given psychic powers by a meteor dropped when dying GL Abin Sur comes to Earth to give Hal Jordan his ring, fits heavily into the latest revision of the Green Lantern origin in the comics, which explains his appearance here.

The actor rumored to be playing Hammond? Why, Peter Sarsgaard, of course!

Sarsgaard has long been one of my favorite actors, and it’ll be nice to see him in a tentpole summer flick like Green Lantern.

Source: Peter Sarsgaard May Fight Green Lantern | /Film.