AWESOME-O-RAMA: January 17-31
Folks, I’m terribly sorry, I’ve been an unworthy blogger as of late.
With all the work heading to Super Art Fight 6 (and then all of the post show work, including nightly blog posts on the site), Blast-O-Rama was decidedly a #2 on the priority list.
Ergo, I missed out on TWO WEEKS of Awesome-O-Rama!
Don’t worry though, I kept a list of what was awesome, and while it was sort of weak on the movie side of things, it was very high on the gaming radness quotient. Let’s take a look, shall we?

The Invention of Lying Perhaps the first fully realized American film created by Ricky Gervais, The Invention of Lying puts together a very unique world for it’s backdrop, one where people are 100% honest, 100% of the time. It’s one that is mined to pitch perfect comedic perfection - to a point. Without going into too much detail, the movie takes a left turn for the serious, in looking into what is considered by some as the biggest lie of all time - a very gutsy move. But then, perhaps to appease the studio or the audience -the movie swerves back into the traditional romantic comedy ending. Despite a stellar cast and a truly astonishing world for the film to take place, it’s these abrupt moves which could leave you cold…which is why this is a highly recommended rental.

Whip It You know, I had a hunch I would enjoy this. But even with that said, when I sat down to watch it, it wound up as a pleasant surprise. The directorial debut of Drew Barrymore with Ellen Page in the lead role, is possibly the best commercial for roller derby ever made, painting the sport as one full of eccentric and strong women, but it wisely uses the sport as the backdrop for a smartly written coming of age tale. It’s a really fun flick, with a really stellar cast, and I enjoyed every minute. Check it out.

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom Hi kids! Need a reason to turn on your Wii other than New Super Mario Bros? Did you love Marvel Vs. Capcom? (If your answer was no - WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?) Do you love esoteric, surreal Japanese characters you may or may not be familiar with? If you answered yes to one or all of these questions, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom may be the game for you! A frantically paced fever dream of a fighting game, this may be the craziest game ever to come to the Wii, and up until recently was THE reason to mod your system to import. But now the game is released in the Americas, so there’s but one question left to ask - what’s your excuse?

Mass Effect 2 I never played Mass Effect 1. But the hype surrounding that game and it’s follow up is enough to make me declare ME2 as simply awesome. With an amazing cast of characters, stunningly realized worlds and alien races, and a superb decision making engine, Mass Effect 2 may be a game that you don’t simply play - it’s one you experience. Now only if I could find the time to clear on my schedule to play though both of them…
Hope you enjoyed this look at the past two weeks of Awesome, and be sure to look here on Tuesday, as I look at this week’s awesome.
Sunday January 31, 2010