With just hours to go until the Super Bowl, people are making their final picks, and nerds like me are getting excited for the different commericals to make their debut.

On Friday, one of the movie trailers we’ll be seeing during the game made it’s debut, the above first look at M. Night Shaymalan’s film version of the Nicktoon Avatar, The Last Airbender.  Like the teaser before it, I was left somewhat cold, as the trailer gave me, a non-fan no real reason to be excited.

Let’s see what a true Avatar fan has to say, like my good buddy Jami “Angry Zen Master” Noguchi!

I will not pay real money to see this thing, ever. I will not rent it, I will not put it on my Netflix queue, I will not watch it when it comes on broadcast or HBO or Showtime or the airplane. Gauging the initial reactions to this trailer, it appears that this thing will be enough of a financial success for them to make more and that makes me a sad panda, but they will do so without my financial support. Much like Alan Moore, I spit venom all over this thing.

Oh sweet god. You’re fucked, Paramount.

Source: Here’s The Super Bowl Ad For M. Night’s LAST AIRBENDER… – Ain’t It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news..