One of my favorite films of 2009, District 9 blew me away with it's amazing effects and stunning storytelling.

But one of the things that really put the film over were the amazing props and effects created for the film.  While we aren’t getting a replica of the amazing mech suit used in the film, Weta has just announced plans to release full scale replicas of the two alien weapons from the film, the Arc Generator (the white gun) and the Gas Projector (the black weapon).

With a limited release of 100 replicas for the Arc Generator and 200 replicas for the Gas Projector, it’s safe to say that while these guns will be lusted over by nerds, they will only be owned by a select few.

Both guns are currently on pre-order for a cool $500 each.

Source:  Cool Stuff: District 9 Full Scale Prop Replicas | /Film.

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