AWESOME-O-RAMA: February 1-14
Fresh from the snowy tundras of Charm City, comes the latest collection of awesome things you should add to your nerdy collections!
Unfortunately, if you’re feeling the effects of Snowpocalypse, it’s probably going to be pretty difficult to get out there to pick them up. Luckily, each item is linked to their respective listing, so they can come to you! Once mail service starts again, that is…

Zombieland I’ve had the pleasure of watching (and rewatching) this film several times on blu-ray over the past few days, and I think it’s safe to say that this truly is Woody Harrelson’s best role, but if you want a really hysterical way to watch this film, watch it back to back with Adventureland. Act as if Zombieland is it’s sequel (given that Jesse Eisenberg gives similar performances in both), and it makes for an interesting pairing. Loved this movie, the best “post-zombie” film since Shaun of the Dead. Check it out now.

Bioshock 2 Back when I first got my XBox 360, Bioshock was THE game which sold me on this generation of systems. Amazing art direction, solid gameplay and a stunning story, there was, and truly has yet to be, anything else like it on the market. This week, the long awaited sequel hits shelves, and instead of reinventing the wheel, the developers made the smart move of not attempting to top the story, but instead add nuance to the world of Rapture. Plus, for the hardcore gamers, they added the sweet touch of some well paced multiplayer gaming. All and all you have what people are calling the Game of the Year…this month.
Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E. - Ultimate Collection Back in the year of our lord 2006, Marvel published one of the greatest comics ever. Written by Warren Ellis and drawn by Stuart Immonen, the superhero team book slaying Nextwave was simply put, one of the most fun reads to come out of Marvel in years, and even to date. Unfortunately, it was more a cult hit than anything else, and ran only 12 issues. But now, Marvel has collected all 12 issues into one solid trade. So if you’ve never read it before, your excuses are minimal now. With a cover price of $35, and an Amazon price of just about $23, it’s worth literally every single penny. Go get it.
Until next time, from the world of endless white death, that’s the latest edition of….Awesome-O-Rama!
Wednesday February 10, 2010