You know, Marvel's made some interesting choices so far with their casting, but depending on how it pans out, the choice for Captain America may be the biggest head scratcher.

In an exclusive scoop to today, the apparent list of actors to be screen tested as the classic Marvel hero has leaked…the biggest name being The Office’s John Krasinski.

While his name value isn’t huge, the fact that John has been pretty much typecast as a Jim Halpert type since his breakout role on the NBC adaptation of the UK series, makes his appearance on the list even more jarring.  Furthermore, his lovely fiance, Ms. Emily Blunt, was originally cast as Black Widow in Iron Man 2, before having to drop out.

The rest of the list? Relative unknowns: Chace Crawford (CW’s Gossip Girl), Scott Porter (NBC’s Friday Night Lights), Mike Vogel (Cloverfield), Michael Cassidy (CW’s Privileged), and Patrick Flueger (Brothers).

Other details leaked are the salary (roughly $300,000 for the first film) and details on the contract, which gives Marvel Studios the option for nine more films. Jesus.

All I can say is this - if Krasinski gets the role, I think I know the perfect Red Skull

Source: EXCLUSIVE: Who Will Be Captain America? —