For a team as talented as the crew at Pixar, you’d think they can rest on their laurels and release films at their casual leisure.

You’d be wrong, however.  Continuing their trend of releasing at least one film a year, Pixar will be doubling up with not just one, but two releases for 2012.

The first film for 2012 will bow (pardon the pun) on June 15, 2012 - a movie titled Brave.

Formerly titled The Bear and the Bow, Brave is the first Pixar film to feature a female heroine.  Set in Scotland, it’s the tale of Merida (Reese Witherspoon), a princess who longs to instead become a master archer.  The film sounds to be a medieval fantasy tale, a first for the amazing CG studio.

For the Fall of 2012? It’s a big one - Monsters Inc. 2.

Details are VERY sketchy on this, but the sequel to the John Goodman/Billy Crystal voiced hit will be released on November 16, 2012, just over eleven years since the release of the original Monsters Inc..  Pixar isn’t typically sequel friendly unless there’s a story to tell, so this should be special.

Pixar fans may also be interested to know that 2012 will feature the live-action directoral debut of Andrew Stanton (Finding Nemo, Wall-E), as his adaptation of John Carter of Mars hits theaters that year as well.

Source: /Film.