A. The Suburbs

AA. Month of May

With the one-two punch of their first two full-lengths (Funeral and Neon Bible respectively), The Arcade Fire set themselves apart from the pack and launched themselves into indie rock superstardom.

But it’s been quite a few years since we’ve heard new material from the band, but that silence should end very soon with the release of a new 12" single called “The Suburbs”.  Complete with a b-side titled “Month of May”, Amazon.com believes it to be available come June 1st, but to tantalize and tease the internet, the Canadian rock group has released the above flash toy, which you can interact with to hear about 10 seconds of each song.

What’s really cool is it act likes a real record, should you choose to want to demonstrate your DJ skills here at Blast-O-Rama.

Source:  Stereogum.